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MX13 Checkmate and Yamarude Power trim

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 PostPosted: January 9th, 2025, 10:00 pm   
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 PostPosted: January 10th, 2025, 11:10 am   
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Interesting. Thanks for posting

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 PostPosted: January 10th, 2025, 12:40 pm   
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I was part of the Checkmate family starting in October 1966 with the purchase of a 16 footer from Ted Quinn Marine. I rigged it in 1967 with a 125 hp mercury. In 1968 I purchased a 13 foot checkmate and raced it with a 50 hp mercury. In 1971 I purchased a competition MX13 and raced it with an 80 hp mercury. In 1973 I ordered a MX15. The boat never got built. The MX15 moulds were also destroyed in the 1973 fire. I was able to get a MX15 but not in the color I wanted. I ran it with a 150 hp mercury .
My MX13 was a difficult raceboat to drive. I ran first with an 80 hp mercury short shaft. I ran the two blade stainless 24 and 26 pitch mercury race props. The boat was FG class. We couldn’t run power trim and without a nice pad on the bottom you ran the boat flying high on it’s tail to avoid the side to side chine walking. It was a balancing act.
Just for an experiment I mounted the 80 hp mercury powerhead on my 1250BP mercury midsection. What a difference! The boat handled like a dream, very easy to drive, no torque on the wheel and came out of the hole effortlessly. You could hang the boat and drive with one hand. I have seen MX13 with twister race mercury motors and speedmaster gearcases, but the 80 BP setup was the best and it had a great sound!
Back in those days you were either an OMC guy or a mercury guy. Quinn’s Marine sponsored a couple of MX13 65 hp 49 cubic inch mercury combos. They did OK until 1975 when the 75 stinger/hustler nitro model appeared. Plus OMC Peterborough sold those motors with a race prop to the racers for approximately $875.00. Mercury Canada didn’t have the same program. The US mercury racers got the new stuff the Canadian guy got the hand me down US stuff.

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 PostPosted: January 10th, 2025, 4:42 pm   
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Thanks for sharing my video Don! Very cool to hear your history with checkmates. That 80hp BP combo would be awesome for a vintage package. We will see what the old mx-13 can do and video the whole thing!

Info on this stuff is hard to come by and I definitely had to fill in some blanks on my own.I was planning on using pictures from a thread on Boat racing facts but the website has been down for some time now. Shame

Hydrostream V-king 2.4 200 mercury
13ft Delta 56ci OMC
Six mile lake

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 PostPosted: January 10th, 2025, 5:52 pm   
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Ricker wrote:
Info on this stuff is hard to come by and I definitely had to fill in some blanks on my own.I was planning on using pictures from a thread on Boat racing facts but the website has been down for some time now. Shame

Most sites related to high performance boating and racing have very few threads and are close to dying. HPBC would be in the same situation if I didn’t keep it active. Ron Hill is able to keep his Facebook page active with stories of raceboat history and trying to create interest in new classes and newer model outboards.
There are a lot of individuals in this area with many interesting stories about their experiences in boat racing. Maybe they don’t want to share, don’t have the time, don’t know how to use a computer or most likely think people wouldn’t be interested and are afraid to post or are afraid they will be criticized.

Those of us that love the sport say the same thing..”just try racing “ it will hook you ...most fall in love with the sport after their first race.

I love what the Gordon Family is doing....Facebook, Instagram, videos, sharing don’t have races if you don’t have people to race! T class in Ontario grew quickly because of the different boats and motor combinations that fitted into the classes. We need to get back to the original concept. T class in Europe is “NOW” trying to do the same thing....they are bringing back some of the older vintage boats and motors and racers are enjoying racing them. We were way ahead in our thinking and had those boats racing, plus he had 4 stroke as well.

T class in Ontario is still the only class with “The Fair Competition Rule”. We had 18 to 22 entries at an event! We were running heats and mixing up the entries in the different heats so everyone was competitive and enjoying racing. We multiple different 1, 2 and 3rd place finishers at each event. And just as important different boat, motor combinations were winning.

T class can be the least expensive form of boat racing!! Look at the cost for Stock Outboard equipment. Just as Eric mentions in this video.....checkmate MX 13 boats are inexpensive ....motors are easy to find.....sure your T850 may not run with the top guys, but if you have enough entries who run similar speed, you don’t even run in the same heat.

Plus if you have two T boats that run different speeds and run in different heats you can race in two heats instead of one! Each day!

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