LittleCharger wrote:
Hounddog wrote:
Damn I thought The Dunnville guys were going in T750 so they could run for points.
Heard they were scared !!!
Well you caught us....after seeing the numbers your new critch is running we got so freaked out that we pulled the Evinrude and are in the process of fitting a "stock" afterburner kit. Thought we would have it done for the weekend, but had a few glitches and burned half the shop down when we lit it up for the first time. Had some issues getting the compression down under 160 too, but I think we got that figured out. Firefighters weren't too happy with us since there is a burn ban in effect for the area, and they charged us with open air burning even though we had a grate over the burner and hotdogs ready to go.
First (and only) test run last night we hit 104mph on the first pass before the front came up and ejected the driver. Once we find the boat (went airborne and launched it about 2km back into the marsh) we are going to add 500lbs to the nose to keep it down and should be ready to go for Haliburton. I would strongly suggest that all of you guys stay at least 150ft back at the start so that when we hit the burner going into turn 1 nobody gets singed.
Sorry it took so long for the update....I just got the bandages off my hands this morning.