Ooooh, been quiet here for 2hrs, everyone out of breath or reloading? I just love the deterioration of and off original topic, like an ADD convention. My turn to lay it on thick, my rant way overdue. The pilot is Davee(Elsey) and Teddy Gryguc on the right, 2 among a handful of probably the most experienced performance boat drivers/builders in Ontario. Personally, I'll defer to their experience and safety sensibility before I judge at what point/speed/craft type/conditions the next requisite safety steps should be implemented according to my subjectivity. Come on, where does this Nanny State, self-righteous safety preaching finally end? Who’s sensibility is the definitive safe/unsafe determinant for speed/conditions/ type of craft(vhull vs thull)/ headwind/experience/having 1 drink(legal!), and on & on & on. And WTF does Davee spilling out at 55mph coming out of a corner at WF have to do with this?...He also fell off his bike as a kid. I know for a fact he was one of very few T racers who had full safety compliant/buoyant boat that weekend; I know most didn’t, myself included. Geez, pretty sure I was recently among several doing ~90-100mph, some without helmets/flak jackets/tethers/rescue boat/bubble wrap. Correct, there is no difference going 100 vs 140 other than whole recovery vs fish food. Oh, let’s get into social costs discussion, unnecessary tax dollar spending; go reach up Mike Duffy’s arse or Pamela Wallin’s snatch for your stinking tax dollars. Tackle social costs of smoking/obesity/self-inflicted porn blindness?....leave the few HPB’ers alone. Performance boating is one of few mildly regulated frontiers of performance motorsport, largely governed by one’s own sensibility of self-preservation, on whichever side of disaster that may rest. It doesn’t need to be judged every time on this forum. Didn’t we already go through that BS with Boomers infamous welcome here, shredding him to shit within first week for deck surfing?....Oh geez, he’s a nice guy, all forgotten and forgiven; no shit, we could have done without the judgmental online drama ad nauseum. Here’s this week’s Safety Crusader challenge: when you see another driver hurtling 120+kph down the road with a cellphone to their head, exercise your righteous outrage to pull them over, or at next stoplight, lecture safety, theirs/yours/your kid/dog/others, tell them how F’n goofy they are, should know better…..or is that just too inconvenient to give a shit? Right, keep driving. Give it a rest guys, live and let live, unless it directly affects your safety/experience on the water; then go at it, with discretion. Adios lads, always in good fun, enjoy the great weather, have a good weekend! safe:)