Reminder to renew your expired membership, join TORC racing for the 2013 season to support a great grass roots racing organisation celebrating 61 years of fun, growing strong.
Toronto Outboard Racing Club is a CBF and APBA member.
Joining entitles you to voting privileges at each meeting.
To join, go to to get a copy of membership form, mail to me with payment or contact:
TORC Membership Director:
Erik Luksep
kake@rogers.comPhone: 416.432.7243
1) $35 for single NON-RACING membership
2) $50 for single RACING membership
- 1 Club decal
- 1 Club Membership card
- Monthly gatherings/meeting in the winter at club house in Beaches of Toronto
- Annual club awards and awards party in Toronto
3) $60 for family membership- all individuals living at same residence
- 1 Club decal
- Member card for each person listed on form
- Monthly gatherings/meeting in the winter at club house in Beaches of Toronto
- Annual club awards and awards party in Toronto
2013 is TORC's 61st anniversary, we have a comemorative 60th decal, included with a single or family membership. Additional decals, $3 each. The standard TORC decals are available at $2 each.
Your contribution supports the club for long term equipment replacement(eg: race clock, radios, buoys, etc...), and costs related to safety/rescue boat/trailer tires required at each race.