I was asked what I thought about this package.
It is likely a low to mid 70mph boat as the ad states. Very fast for a 59 cubic inch mercury.
There are several of Larry’s Allisons up here in the region. They perform extremely well. Most boats have had issues with the quality of the build and delaminating fiberglass issues are common.
The seller doesn’t say who the engine builder was. The motor must have Jeff Dunn pistons to have that high a compression and he could have built the motor.
We haven’t seen any recent built high compression 59 cubic inch Mercury motors in the last ten years.
I don’t know of any in Ontario.
There was a thread on this site about these Mod 59 Mercurys .
http://www.hpbc.ca/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4261Certainly if your a got to have mercury guy or girl it’s a good package, but very expensive in Canadian dollars!