noun: cry-baby
*a person,internet sensation, especially a child, who sheds tears frequently or readily.
*a person who wants drag boat rules to revolve around them.
*a person who isn't competitive yet feels compelled to have things set his way or else sheds tears
*a person who cries or complains frequently with little cause.
synonyms: sissy, mama's boy; pansy ass
e.g::? So what's... if she makes weight what is the big deal right
after all a Mod VP STV is allowed
;I don't understand the mid issue either apparently
lol ...
There will be some that show up ... Now !
Have been kicking the idea around of taking the lake boat out of her with that $et up, which will also need a Geiger Tech light weight string steer to go with that 12 incher
Why not just sell the boat and buy one just for this class...
Silly !
;:? Me too
Ok ..."run what ya brung" we can always change it up for Sun.
I am still not agreeing with you fucker's though