OneCycle wrote:
i agree with dean. and ken. new guy shows up for 2015 pays a bunch of money gets put on the trailer 2nd run. Never Races Again.
So, let me break down 'bunch of money' for New Guy:
- CBF weekend fee: $50, assuming they did not pay CBF annual fee, which most Drag guys do not
- TORC annual club fee: $50, assuming they actually paid this, which covers GH & DV; I know some dodged paying this.
- TORC daily entry fee: $40 per day x 2 = $80
- First weekend Drag racing(GH), assuming they pay all required fees: $180, $90/day
- Second weekend Drag racing(DV): $130, $65/day
- Two weekend season cost: $310, $77.50/day.
- If Newbie only earns 2 passes/day, 4days: $38.75 per pass, $7.75/sec @ 5secs/pass, 40 secs/season. A ride on NASA space shuttle is prolly less/sec.
Now, here's the magic powder in all this: Northbase Drag HQ experience factor, NB 'come test Friday' factor, setup recommendations/changes til 2am factor, the 'Holy Shit, never seen that before' factor, the 'F-me, I never dreamed of hitting Xmph' factor, the Ted/Yammer/Archer/Keeling top NA guys factor, the top free advice from all others factor, the Kenny/Pat/Gig LMFAO comedy festival factor, my occasional 'Loch Kashe' skinny dipping factor, the 'Great Escape over barbed wire/tunnelling out from wife' factor, and finally 'I've never had so much F'n fun' factor.
Then Newbie goes to DV, it all comes together, with a bunch of great guys equally pleased you're running faster, and giving them a challenge:
PRICELESS. Newbie is pissing himself like a puppy to do it all over again next year at huge annual $310 'bunch of money'.
But sure, to distill it down to $7.75/sec cost, for 40secs/season, the value doesn't add up.
Now, for the contingent horny for a full day of Drag only racing, facts:
- Costs approx $7500(eg: CFB Sanction, Insurance, Paramedics, etc...) and infrastructure volunteers to put on a race
- TORC 2014 Drag results have 16 Drag boats competing, with Keeling in 3 classes, so say ~15 racers.
- $7.5K/15= $500/racer to put on a race. Then attrition, scheduling conflicts, 'wife won't let me', 'shit, that's a lot of work', ' I can't afford $500', 'not fair, why won't TORC pay for this'. Now you're down to 10 racers, $7.5K/10 = $750/racer....Yikes, and it all falls apart with further 'they should do this/that/the other'.
For those who dare to dream of a Drag only race day, do the math, find a venue, figure out who's in, go from there. Good luck.
I support Jeff's initiative as Drag Rep, to refine rules and competition; a compromise will result with another great 2015 season ahead.