The merc ecu box, records rpm. The "gold" box for UIM is no different, you can seem in hours minutes and seconds as to exactly what the motor did during the duration of the run. The only way to remove this is opening the box and connecting to it. Clearly this is not within the rules ( black and white) What is happening is pushing into the limiter, there are a few ways to do this but at best only 1-200 rpm are gained . Rules are made to be circumvented, I don't call it cheating. If there is a grey area or an area totally missed to me it is fair game. You can bet that the other top guys are doing exactly the same.
Stock class rules suck, there is way too many ways to cheat. All the stock classes I know are tech nightmare and then the tech themselves have to be smarter than the racers.... A tough battle. Mod classes are simple. If I were to make the rules it would be simple, 160 psi and an option to purchase the "cheater" motor for an value, say 2500 bucks. It would not be wise to build some hi dollar mod motor if there was risk in loosing it.