Andrew4ce wrote:
sharpeye Mike wrote:
I don't know nothing about inflatables but check out kijiji Cornwall, first or second page.
New X-Kat starting at $2,799.99, 13' and 15'
That appears to be one of the chinese knock off ones... you take your chances with those. I've heard from people who own chinese ones (there are sold under a hundred different names it seems) and they can have really bad geometry that you can't real visually see and don't perform properly at speed.
Notice the picture of the one in action is actually a Gemini, one of the big 3. The chinese boat companies almost always show someone elses design in their ads doing the real driving, haha.
Interesting though. Thanks for mentioning it! It might get us some more people regardless.
Chinese copie, not transport Canada approved which as of this year i have been told all crafts must have TC capacity and approvals labels, they are not asymmetrical wont handle very well, if you keep them under 20mph they are fine anything above that use at your own risk.
if anyone has any questions or wants help with looking at a used one feel free to ask i would be more than happy to help or even come look at it with you, i have done my homework