
Canadian Boating Federation..SPEED RECORDS
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Author:  Hounddog [ February 2nd, 2024, 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Canadian Boating Federation..SPEED RECORDS

It wasn’t very often there were measured courses to make it possible to set a record. Even fewer were the kilo record runs. Many of these records were set in the states. Some of you that have raced will remember some of the names. I found the OPC records impressive.

Steve Huff SST 75 Aug. 1991 Dunnville 67.282

Steve Heuninck FE Aug. 1989 Dunnville 56.285
OMC Voodoo

Mark Major SST 60 Aug. 1998 Taschereau 110.816km
Steve Huff SST 90 Aug. 1989 Dunnville 65.741
Mike Werner MOD U Aug. 1989 Dunnville 91.278

W. Todd Clark EP Aug. 1992 Dunnville 59.407
Oasis 650XS

Serge Gauthier MOD-EP Aug. 1998 Taschereau 90.608km
The boat was a ModVP

Gregory Gryguc SPORT C Aug. 1993 Dunnville 44.484
Speedcat Yamaha 30 hp 6J8

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