
TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!
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Author:  Hounddog [ October 18th, 2013, 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

On other threads we get posts on things that people would like to change or add to the TORC programs. The problem...we need people to step up and help do these ideas. They are all good ideas and we can do them provided we have people to help.
The next TORC meeting is next month and it is a major meeting.
Jason mentioned we need a new VP. A key person in the club.
You want more races...Get a group together and work on a race. We can help you with want needs to be done, but the group needs to to the leg work.
the newsletter
sweat shirts, prizes etc
race day support people
promotion..shows etc.

Author:  Himagain [ October 18th, 2013, 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

Well Said.

We are seeking nominations for VP, and secretary. Don't forget you can also put your name forward for any position not just the open spots. We are looking to expand the executive this year to include some directors.

Membership Director

Class Directors

We would like the Class directors to work with the Exec, and represent each class through out the season.
So as you can see there are lots of spots open! I took the VP job last year because I felt that if I can offer suggestions (or complain about how stuff is done) At some point I would have to step out and help run stuff.

More races are a great Idea and I am all for it but, we are at our limit man hour wise..... we need people to step up and help!!!!

Author:  DoktorC [ October 18th, 2013, 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

ok...so what does a class director do? I REALLY want to help but feel like a chooch because there's no way I can make all 4 races or most of the meetings....today...as time goes on and my kids get a bit older I can do more. So..if you can deal with my schedule I'm in...I just don't want to let the club down. If skype/email/whatever works than I'm good with that too.

Author:  Hevi Kevi [ October 18th, 2013, 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

What exactly would class directors do?

Author:  Jeff Yammer [ October 18th, 2013, 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

I'll throw myself into a nomination of Class Director for DRAG if that would help

Author:  Himagain [ October 18th, 2013, 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

My Vision right no for the Class director is to be a rep for each class and a Director of TORC. Directors would work with the Exec at planing and running races. They would bring all issues specific to that class to light at meetings and be the official channel for each class to make suggestions. (I get about 20 a day coming to me at race sites with suggestions and concerns hard to keep track)
The commitment would be less then the exec, I would like directors to be the go to person in their class at the race sites if we have having issues with time, tech, running order, weather, ......

I am trying to build an official job description.

At the end of the day we are looking for more help, If we are going to run larger and more successful events we need more hands on deck.

Author:  Himagain [ October 18th, 2013, 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

Physical attendance is not always needed, We do Skype and conference calls alot!

Author:  Rowboat [ October 18th, 2013, 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

Hevi Kevi wrote:
What exactly would class directors do?

If it's anything like my work........NOTHING!! ;)

Author:  Rowboat [ October 18th, 2013, 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

I am always willing to help out, but like everyone else, I am not always available.

This is a great organization that could easily be pushed into the limelight with additional help.

I'll do what I can, guys.

Author:  Andrew4ce [ October 21st, 2013, 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TORC......What will you commit too?... HELPERS!!!

I'd just like to add that in addition to much needed help at the TORC level... the CBF level is in desperate need too. It's AGM will be on Nov 30 in Brockville.

Outboard level:
Outboard Chair
Outboard Vice Chair
Outboard Division reps if wanted

CBF upper level
CBF President (I've heard of two candidates running... one from Stock Outboard)
CBF VP of Racing
other spots likely too.

CBF would REALLY like to get some outboard representatives and are happy to help someone without any experenece.

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