
T850 Facebook Talking about speeds.
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Author:  Hounddog [ February 25th, 2025, 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  T850 Facebook Talking about speeds.

Interesting how T850 the speeds differ country to country .
Resent posts:
Adrian Morse
World record for T850 is 65.85mph set in 2008 .
Back in the late 80’s Mike Heaton did over 80mph with a Blufin / Selva

Dylan Read
Probably 65-70mph with a cleaver style propeller. The Yamaha 70 is generally faster than the OMC. If memory serves correct, they use to run a 60hp gearbox which had to be shimmed correctl

Maarten Klingers
Fot the T850 speed record was 128km/u both ways I believe?

Campbell Jenkins
Which gearbox on the omc?

Neil Hurlock
In Exmouth we're getting upwards of 70 mph with some rigs... usually running Yamaha

Grant Stewart Harrison
We did just under 80 mph with a 75 Stinger on a South African 15foot Phoenix

Stephen Medaris
In Australia the best speed through a kilo with a 75hp Hustler was average of 76mph in about 1983. The Australian T850 run around the 72 to 74 mph

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