
Did france get attacked or was it false flag AGAIN..
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Author:  phillnjack [ July 18th, 2016, 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Did france get attacked or was it false flag AGAIN..

Just a few days ago france got attacked by a muslim in a truck so says the media.
well to me and many millions this seems like another false flag created by governments to cause a big problem.
there is video on the net of this attack and it stinks of a put up job that was not done very well.
Video of dummies laying spread out on the floor, video of a truck accelerating, BUT then if you look close it slows down to
less than walking pace.
photos of bodies on the street with shops either side !!!! no no the promenade in nice has only shops on one side of
the road.

This so called attack stinks even worse than the Charlie Hebdo farce in Paris France.
People on rooftops with mobile phones taking video and zooming in on stuff almost half a mile away ?
an attack on a street that is normally crammed with traffic, yet that day at that time no vehicles within 1/4 mile of it ?
remember this was supposed to of happened during rush hour traffic, yet no moving vehicles
Live footage showing a street with a truck being panned by the said mobile phone showing 3 cars, then when it pans back
the cars are not there and the shad from the sun has moved just like it would in 5 hours time ?
we are getting real crazy bad acted footage from things all over the world at the moment, and it all seems to be leading to a huge event to come soon to most of us.

crowd violence hat is being staged big time in a few major cities, yet no local people attending these so called riots !!!!

I am thinking like many others that martial law will very soon be a part of our daily lives in many countries.
on Friday night we had the farcical military coup attempt in turkey that didn't go to plan. it was over inside 5 hours.

this last so called muslim attack can go in the same draw as the 9/11 the Boston marathon bombings, the school shootout, the London 7/7 train bombing, and the attempt to behead lee rigby in London England,
we in the uk are supposed to of been attack 3 times, I dont think we have even had one attack to be honest.

there is definitely an agenda that is on the horizon, as how come we have so many muslims being let into our countries
if this is realy happening ?
why are governments trying to cause civil unrest among its people ? what are they upto now.

Author:  Supermitchie [ August 17th, 2016, 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did france get attacked or was it false flag AGAIN..

Not a single bit of intelligence in that post. Not one bit.

Author:  Hevi Kevi [ August 17th, 2016, 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did france get attacked or was it false flag AGAIN..

Supermitchie wrote:
Not a single bit of intelligence in that post. Not one bit.

You were expecting to see some? You need to come around here more often...

Author:  voo-doo_child [ August 17th, 2016, 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did france get attacked or was it false flag AGAIN..


Author:  phillnjack [ September 9th, 2016, 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Did france get attacked or was it false flag AGAIN..

do you people realy think these attacks happened ?
if so your very deluded.
Governments do some very dodgy things to fool the majority, but they never fool everyone.

there are more people in the uk who know this is all bullshit than those that think it real.
and the same in france and the rest of Europe.

Author:  Supermitchie [ September 19th, 2016, 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Did france get attacked or was it false flag AGAIN..

phillnjack wrote:
do you people realy think these attacks happened ?
if so your very deluded.
Governments do some very dodgy things to fool the majority, but they never fool everyone.

there are more people in the uk who know this is all bullshit than those that think it real.
and the same in france and the rest of Europe.

Our governments can't even organize a successful cold patch repair on the roads and you think they can pull of a conspiracy on this level. I think you and the rest of the blokes over in the old world who believe this nonsense should look into tin foil hats.

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