
Can you change 40 hp electronics to 60 hp..and make it a 60?
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Author:  Hounddog [ March 10th, 2016, 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Can you change 40 hp electronics to 60 hp..and make it a 60?

We are starting to see used SHORT SHAFT 4 stroke motors come up for sale.

Here is an example
http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorb ... nFlag=true

Here is a new one
http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorb ... nFlag=true

There are also lots of 60 hp 4 stroke parts for sale for the same basic model.
Can you make this 40 hp into a 60 hp by changing the bolt on electronics?

These would make a good T750 motor at a fair price and you would not need to change the decals for younger people.

Author:  TopGun [ March 10th, 2016, 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you change 40 hp electronics to 60 hp..and make it a

40hp are less ci!!

Author:  Hounddog [ March 10th, 2016, 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you change 40 hp electronics to 60 hp..and make it a

Thanks Paul. I thought they were the same displacement, my mistake.
Same bore and stroke, but the 40 is 3 cylinders .

Author:  DoktorC [ March 10th, 2016, 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you change 40 hp electronics to 60 hp..and make it a

Hounddog wrote:
Thanks Paul. I thought they were the same displacement, my mistake.
Same bore and stroke, but the 40 is 3 cylinders .

The 40bigfoot is a 4cyl but only available as a 20" motor.

Author:  Hounddog [ March 10th, 2016, 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you change 40 hp electronics to 60 hp..and make it a

Wonder if you could do a double switch? Buy a used 60 long and a used 40 short. Mount the 60 on the short and the 40 on the long. Then re-sell the 40 long??

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