BoomerMuskoka wrote:
DoktorC wrote:
OneCycle wrote:
were all counting on rick to figure out HPDI 162 gears... lol
You're counting on the wrong guy for that....if you're going to buy merc gears you may as well buy the case to go with it. They are only really necessary with the HPDI anyways...and Boomer the 2.6 doesn't need 1.62s because they will rev and I haven't met one yet with enough torque to spin those gears with a big prop.
so it will rev but not like a merc. what about 1.75's ? the newer 2.6l have taller gears no? i dgaf im just curious i have 1.86 thats what im going to run, i can afford new gears anyway
A ported one will rev like a common HP merc (i.e not some crazy drag). My 225 spun like a ProMax but you can feel it run out of power past 6500 and I didn't like turning 7k with my stock oil injection either. My stock motor with a 32 Cleaver ran need lots more power to swing a big prop with gear...
Back to the question at swapping...apparently you can bolt a Yamaha ignition system on to a slOMC...