In order to help save us some bandwidth (and $$) here's a simple and easy way to get your photos on the site without any limitations on size or quality.
Go to OR At this site, you can select images on your computer by clicking on "browse" button. You're allowed unlimited photo uploads. Yes, it's completely free. If you register (also free), you get more options such as multiple uploads.
Once you select the image to be uploaded, you can have the website resize your images. Select 1024x768 (or a smaller size) from the drop-down menu as shown below. Press the "upload" button at the bottom of the page.
When the upload is complete, you will be taken to the photo code screen shown on the second image. With your mouse cursor, select the entire code for "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards".
Once selected, right-click on the selected text and choose "copy". When you make your post, right-click into the text box here and choose "paste". When you submit the post, the photo will appear inside the post. Simply upload, copy the code, then paste - then submit the post. That's it!
Using this technique, your photos will be displayed at their full size in a post, without having to click on them to be enlarged. It saves us on bandwidth, and it allows higher quality images.