This is such great news, to uncover the origins of the beast! I got real excited when you revealed the old name and it all started coming together. It's like finding the key to a long lost treasure chest. I'll be coming by this weekend to check it out. It's so nice to see the continued growth of the wave-jumping big-boat fleet. The lines are... well... okay. If you're into that sort of thing.
This project reminds me bit of Encino man, or Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, whereby your taking something you've discovered from the past, cleaning it up, dressing it in contemporary clothes whilst assimilating it into modern society. Then it rocks the party!
It also reminds me of the time I discovered my girlfriend used to be a stripper, and all I wanted to do is show off to my friends how awesome her moves were! And then I found out later that she had been a party girl in a freaking beer commercial, and it literally blew my mind!!! I was on top of the world! Ok, so that never actually happened, but I bet that's just what Jo feels like
C'mon, this boat cruises by in a BEER COMMERCIAL?!?!? That's just ridiculously cool. Dude, whenever you get this thing in the water, it will officially be the Summer of Mic Light!!! Can't wait...
Whatever paint scheme you end up going with, it's name shall be "Chas".