Hounddog wrote:
Paul, your boat is currently the top boat in T750. It's a perfect example of what happens when a boat has not been a national champion becomes the top boat. Many in the class will assume you are running an illegal motor. Todd in T850 had the same situation. You can talk all you want about the set up time, props and testing to become successful and until your motor has had a compete inspection and proves to be legal many in the class will not believe you.
Yup heard it all....oh well you will hear things like that in ever sport no matter what...there will always be someone feeling they are not on equal ground for what ever reason and they have to blame something except themselves
But I think you are still missing the point a sealed motor alone won’t solve issue if you want equal to many other variables to build on for the ones that invest the time..the successful sealed engine buggy classes in the US etc. have all common parts, no different then the challenge races when they bring in top drivers from various fields and give them identical vehicles, no performance advantage.
They run the Asian series with the 50hp tohatsu, identical set ups, great concept but don’t see them attracting any new drivers from what i’ve seen. Stock outboard has 300ssh (sealed engine class) but I think even there complaints “must be cheat’n” have arisen a while back when one individual was the high points winner 3 years in a row.