
My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules
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Author:  Chummy [ December 6th, 2014, 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Thats cause there are only 15 boats up there lol.... Do i really need to venture into the crybaby stuff? cause i will

Author:  KAL Racing [ December 6th, 2014, 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Please enlighten me :roll: Sooo you think our little Lake Racer class should allow 12" mids and I think they shouldn't . The Guyz up hear that run 12's are all really sharp and I know that they could dominate the class and discourage up and coming amateurs like myself and a few others I am sure.
Either way I'll be there too play and cry if need be... :mrgreen:
And Chummy I'm not sure if I like you anymore because of your little huff puffy after James Cole's comments that he said I said your boats were shit and then your comment towards me on S&F but I still would like your input and visits to the site... :mrgreen:

Author:  Chummy [ December 6th, 2014, 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Yeah whats wrong with 12" mids besides that smart people apparently run them? Discourage people from running?? because of a mid??!! come on now. In other racing organizations there are classes that allow 12" to run against whatever and I don't see one dominating over the other. What if you are keeping people from entering because of your rule, to me more boats racing is a win win.

I'm not huffy about anything, I'll take my Wally boat any day over most other brands, I just considered the source in which it came from. If we all liked the same thing it would be boring right? I honestly don't care what kind of boat you or anyone has, if you make it fast it will draw respect. Maybe your boat is too slow, and should get something faster.

Author:  DoktorC [ December 6th, 2014, 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

For the 12" issue..you could make it "probationary" so if someone shows up with one they can run (for no points..or whatever). That way you don't exclude anyone and if they dominate then they bump up. That also discourages people from building 12" motors to race in LR.

I think the big questions are: 1 how many 12" LR boats actually exist AND want to come race. 2 is there an actual advantage..

Author:  KAL Racing [ December 6th, 2014, 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Lol your right Chummy my boat is too slow and I now have too get something quicker not faster :roll:
It is well known and well written that taking weight off the ass of the boat and placing it where you need it or distribute it through out the boat too make class will improve holeshot slightly and in 800' or less it is hard too catch up...Just quoting several top drag racers throughout the USA. :geek:

I am "Captain Last Place" ... :oops:
Too be continued when I get back from work ...

Author:  Chummy [ December 6th, 2014, 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Sounds like you are at the right place then.. earn that money!!

I am sure you boat has plenty more potential to be faster in 800" I know you would never believe me but sometimes adding weight to the boat in the right place would make it faster. Adding whale tails, faster trim, stuff like that would be my first place to go looking to keep you out of "Captain Last Place"

On a boat that doesn't require much trim a 12" mid would be a good thing, but there is plenty of weight that can be lost off the back of the boat without going to that extreme. A little birdie landed on my shoulder the other day and said someone was going to start building lightweight 15" setups... sounds like a good option also ditching the heavy jackplates. You have more torque than anyone in that class I'd be using that to my advantage.

Author:  Jeff Yammer [ December 6th, 2014, 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

As Chummy and I have both said ...... there's no advantage to running a 12" mid when you have to weigh in at 1550lbs. Chummy also stated the same thing I did in that if you have a boat that weighs in on the heavy side ( which 1550lbs is !! ) you will loose handling with such an off balance boat.

What is the fear here ? Geiger coming out and beating everyone ? RBT beating everyone. ??? I'll tell you once again here that if you make a lightweight package add hundreds of pounds you have nowhere near the same boat handling and accelaaration you did if it weighed in at 1200.

If Ted showed up with a 12" mid and still maintained the 1550lb minimum would he be faster or quicker than last year ? ? I already know the answer but do you ?

Author:  Chummy [ December 6th, 2014, 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Damn Yammer, who would have thought we would agree lmao!

Author:  Jeff Yammer [ December 6th, 2014, 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Chummy wrote:
Damn Yammer, who would have thought we would agree lmao!

I've agreed with almost everything you ever said or done. Fukker. Hope things are well.

Author:  Northbase [ December 7th, 2014, 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My idea of 2015 Lake Racer rules

Seein as none of the other 12" crowd have chimed in on this I guess I'll be the first to toss in my .02$.
If there's gonna be a 1550 lb weight restriction and performance restrictions on drag motors then who cares what mid you're running??
As has already been said, if you take to much weight outta the ass end your gonna mess up the balance point of the boat. If want details on this, ask me, I'll tell ya all about it!!
At this point the only boat I know of with a 12" that may run lake racer next season is Mikes 15R with a 2litre (and in that case the 1550lb rule should be reviewed, JMO).
Archer, RBT, Gieger, Archer 2.0 (driver tba), myself and hopefully whom ever buys my red/white & black 01 will all be running outlaw.
There's only a handfull of 12" equipped lake boats other then those listed above in the immediate area that would come out to race and most (if not all) would end up in outlaw anyway.
The important thing to remember is that we can adjust the criteria as needed.
If we need to change a rule to make for better completion within a class then that's what'll happen.
......and for those that want to bitch about double elimination and only getting to run 2 passes each day all I can say is....stop whining and shut the fuck up!!
My first year at Jasper I ran 2 passes for the entire weekend. The second year was 2 passes each day. This after 2 days driving down to be followed with 2 days driving home.
The experience & knowledge you gain from loosing (usually from those that beat you) is invaluable as you move forward. Eric said it very well about 10 pages ago.
Now....let the discussion continue.

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