
July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ---- SO
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Author:  DoktorC [ July 23rd, 2012, 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

Coulter taking Gig to school.....now I'm extra pissed about not showing!!!

Author:  WalkWithMax [ July 23rd, 2012, 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

Hounddog wrote:
Dave it looks like you were the only one to escape without any problems. Are any of the motors major hurt? When everyone was running was the competition close?

I actually peeled some of the vinyl off my steering line first heat Sunday which made it a little tougher steering the second heat. I'm getting some more from Rick Fralick before Dunnville... $25 bucks poorer now! :( ...sorry! :)

Both Erik and Jake's motors lost some compression with minor cyl scoring, but nothing too serious. As for almost all of us, what would we do without the Gun??? :shock:

Author:  Hounddog [ July 23rd, 2012, 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

Did anyone get any video we can post?

Author:  Hounddog [ July 23rd, 2012, 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

Both Erik and Jake's motors lost some compression with minor cyl scoring, but nothing too serious. As for almost all of us, what would we do without the Gun??? :shock:[/quote]

Scoring.... sounds like they were trying to run a little too lean. Even with the SST 60 blocks you need to be careful. Most times you can only go 1 size smaller or 1 size larger max.

Author:  Hydroid [ July 23rd, 2012, 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

Hounddog wrote:
Dave it looks like you were the only one to escape without any problems. Are any of the motors major hurt? When everyone was running was the competition close?

Nothing major hurt for Jake/I, although teardowns req'd, alum on plugs. Craig Fraser was 15min down the road Sunday pulling my Voodoo when his left front bearing exploded on Yukon; limped back to wait for local garage to open Mon mrng, repaired and on the road by early afternoon. Tough weekend on 6ML guys....maybe bc I pissed into Beaver Lake in 2011.
My Friday FUBAR was self-inflicted: a brass burr from over tightening jet took a 64 to 10 when it lodged in jet with predictable outcome. TG's wisdom of the weekend: "Don't mess with good enuf".
Bagman couldn't get Yammi to perform Fri evening testing,...the whole rig was for sale until he found a beer.
LC's 56 low in middle cyl(again), threw caution to the wind and held his own in all heats.

Saturday, while i spent 2+hrs in a turnboat, my engine/boat was raped by Blackbeard(TG), his Parrot(Gig), Merry Men(Lil Chrgr, Zoinks) for parts to race Sat afternoon. Leaving beach to race, Zonka's prop found a rock, UGHHH! We thew mine on, off he went.
Sat evening T BBQ at LC's: Zonka/Dave/Jake doing fly-by's after dinner, testing props, Zonka's Hotfoot always stuck in the bulkhead, Jake's top cyl went, and Dave's Alli was up for rides(TG, Fraser, Me).....fireworks show(not OMC related) at 10pm provided by LC's neighbours. Jake was eaten alive by skitters while pulling head off to confirm melt/scoring.
Despite break downs & grief, highs and lows, a Ton-o-Fun was had, great T-spirit/camaraderie.

A GREAT racing weekend!...can't wait for DVille.

PS: Hydroid Jr cleaned my clock in 2 heats of OSY400 hydro racing; pics & flicks of weekend fun to come.

Author:  Hydroid Junior [ July 24th, 2012, 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

Just finished posting a ton of pics onto Photobucket from the weekend.

Even though our motor was a real bummer still a great weekend! :)

Author:  Andrew4ce [ July 24th, 2012, 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

I didn't even know you guys had the T boat there. How'd you get it there?

Great racing between you and your Dad. Best heats of the weekend to watch. You did awesome in lots of your heats Kristian.

Author:  jake@elsey.ca [ July 24th, 2012, 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

I would say competition is closer than it's ever been. We just need to fix the motors that are sore!
And no one mentioned it yet - we had our first flag start on saturday haha.
there were a bunch of go-pros running; so some videos should start showing up.

Author:  Hydroid Junior [ July 24th, 2012, 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

jake@elsey.ca wrote:
there were a bunch of go-pros running; so some videos should start showing up.

Im working on a video right now. I have on board footage of Bryan, Jake, Mike, and myself.
Including non GoPro footage I have 2.5 hours of footage to go through. Going to take a while.

Author:  Hydroid [ July 24th, 2012, 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: July 21-22 - CBF Race—Erinsville ON (3 days in 2!) ----

Andrew4ce wrote:
I didn't even know you guys had the T boat there. How'd you get it there?

Great racing between you and your Dad. Best heats of the weekend to watch. You did awesome in lots of your heats Kristian.

C Fraser towed Vdoo from 6ML & back(after bearing replacement). It was parked w other T's after Fri lower piston fiasco.
Time for Kristian to replace ASH avatar w OSY/20SSH STU-Craft. Prior to his 20SSH heats I shared turn 1 strategy to start turn wide, dive in on buoy 3. When I tried it on him in OSY Sunday, he read me like a book, cranked his wheel and shut the door. Most fun I've had racing 6" side by side down front straight into turn, each racer trusting the other 100% not to do anything foolish, competing for the lead. Last turn, couldn't get my fin to hold in T2, he dove in and took the win by 6".

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