So i have been keeping my eye on kijiji for about a year looking for a local waveblaster that was unmolested.. REALLY HARD TO FIND... so last Thursday i saw an ad pop up for a 1995 waverunner 3 GP and very vaguely mentions a waveblaster. claimed to be original owner on the 1995 waverunner 3... i payed them a visit.
i arrived to this very very large house in Tini beaches just west of midland clearly build in the late 80's. and when he opened his garage my eyes lit up and there was no hiding it.. so i bought them both..
both these ski's belong in a Museum for yamaha... lol
Less than 100 hours on each garage kept and he bought the waverunner new in 1995 and the 1993 blaster from the showroom same day.
Zero Fading look like new inside and out i cant be more excited about this shit if i tried !!!