
I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lakes
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Author:  CheckM8 [ April 20th, 2016, 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

I find it interesting that when the water level on my lake was at its highest and people were at the limit of what they would tolerate in terms of damages, the water level magically started to drop the following business day (which was Monday April 9th). And when the water level started to go down, it did so very consistently at a rate of 5/8" per day (and continues even now). I find it hard to believe that the rate of snow melt and rainfall can be this consistent for 11 days straight, or that nature works on on the same business hours as the MNR and suddenly decided to slow down the rain and snow melt on a Monday morning. I'm not measuring the water level myself either - this data is posted right there on the Government of Canada Water Office's web site in real-time. That means if I can see it, they can see it (if they cared enough to look).

Author:  FMP [ April 20th, 2016, 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

Aren't you glad somebody was paying attention. Give it a year and everyone will be high on pot , then you'll have no more problems, the chronic to the rescue !

Author:  CheckM8 [ April 20th, 2016, 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

Yup, paying attention to the consequences instead of prevention. The relief arrived just in the nick of too late. Maybe the folks at MNR got their legalization a year earlier than the rest of us and it's got them distracted or something. If that's the case they should share and problem solved. :lol:

Author:  FMP [ April 20th, 2016, 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

Uhmm, whaaat,.... oh yah... sorry bout your dock and stuff .

Author:  FMP [ September 16th, 2016, 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

So stupidity as where one should build a non floating structure on a variable level lake is trying to defeat mother nature and a management system that can't predict the weather and down stream system that may or may not be able to take anymore capacity. BOO WHOO , did you all build floating boathouses on the expense of the Ontario tax payer, oh wait that's what you're trying to accomplish with the suit. HAHAHAHA . I'm not sure what's more ridiculous this or building a town on a known floodplain that floods and naming that town HighRiver , perhaps these ambulance chasers should try that bet .

Author:  Hounddog [ September 16th, 2016, 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

The law suit was mentioned on the 6 pm news last nite. The law suit is for 900 million dollars. It will be tied up in the courts for years and the lawyers will likely be the only ones to get paid.

Author:  FMP [ September 16th, 2016, 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

They can try but any rational thinking court should grin and show them the door.

Author:  BoomerMuskoka [ September 16th, 2016, 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/m ... -1.3765068

yeah sue the most under funded Government organisation :roll: no big deal just take $900m more from the taxpayers and fish and wildlife funding to pay for these slobs second luxury estates.. :evil: the shit that goes on in this place makes my head spin..

Author:  BoomerMuskoka [ September 16th, 2016, 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

http://barrie.ctvnews.ca/900m-lawsuit-f ... =hootsuite

Author:  CCI [ September 16th, 2016, 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I bet there are law suits over high water in Muskoka Lak

MNR is under funded due to cutbacks over the past 20 years, thank your current government who continues to ignore the issues (water quality, water levels, our one most important resource... fresh water). The MNR has made serious mistakes in water level management since 2010 not just in Muskoka but in the trent severn waterway and its feeder lakes. Perhaps the 1 MNR guy who understood trent severn water levels retired... essentially that is what all of our water bodies are feeding south of north bay and it is why our water levels fluctuate and are controlled by dams. People have been seriously impacted by mismanagement..... and yes... MNR is underfunded... but this is a serious topic that FUCKED thousands of people not just in Muskoka. FMP... you are a waste of time in a thread like this... nothing like hearing your own voice tho right? Get bent bud.

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