
"A" boat
Page 20 of 28

Author:  Jeff Yammer [ October 24th, 2012, 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

mitchie wrote:
Personally I would rather jump from space than run over 110 in a v-king... .

Why is that ? I do find it hard to justify your calling BS on people when or if you personally do not have the balls to attempt it yourself ;)

Author:  dubber [ October 24th, 2012, 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

mitchie wrote:
5 gallon bay...

Time to put the application into Oceans and Fisheries to get this bay named....or renamed. I think for me it was closer to 7 gallons being slurped back trying to keep up but I won't haggle on the naming...

Author:  Supermitchie [ October 24th, 2012, 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

Jeff Yammer wrote:
mitchie wrote:
Personally I would rather jump from space than run over 110 in a v-king... .

Why is that ? I do find it hard to justify your calling BS on people when or if you personally do not have the balls to attempt it yourself ;)

jeff on that one.. I was mostly just breaking Pat's balls. I would be plenty fine with going faster than I am presently going.. But I am limited by my budget, not my balls..... My balls are HUGE. :) (physically speaking).

Part of my issue is I worked for 6 or 7 years in the power sports business where everyone knows everything and there brother's cousin's dad had the fastest, best handling snomobike in the world and could ride airborne wheelies over 10 miles while traveling close to 200mph... And of course he was able to do this because his sister's husband was the greatest tuner/mechanic who had the best mind for setting carb jetting.. So good in fact that factory engineers would call him if they had a problem. It makes you jaded pretty quick. Therefore my patience for PERCIEVED exagerations or in my mind... Unrealistic claims is VERY VERY VERY LOW!.

On the flip side. Those who know me I think would say I am the first one to encourage and congratulate when people make great achievements. (except that TALONKID.... That kid's GPS is clearly broken.. no way a promax is gonna run like that! ;) LOL jk.)

Author:  Jeff Yammer [ October 24th, 2012, 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

mitchie wrote:
Jeff Yammer wrote:
mitchie wrote:
Personally I would rather jump from space than run over 110 in a v-king... .

Why is that ? I do find it hard to justify your calling BS on people when or if you personally do not have the balls to attempt it yourself ;)

jeff on that one.. I was mostly just breaking Pat's balls. I would be plenty fine with going faster than I am presently going.. But I am limited by my budget, not my balls..... My balls are HUGE. :) (physically speaking).

Part of my issue is I worked for 6 or 7 years in the power sports business where everyone knows everything and there brother's cousin's dad had the fastest, best handling snomobike in the world and could ride airborne wheelies over 10 miles while traveling close to 200mph... And of course he was able to do this because his sister's husband was the greatest tuner/mechanic who had the best mind for setting carb jetting.. So good in fact that factory engineers would call him if they had a problem. It makes you jaded pretty quick. Therefore my patience for PERCIEVED exagerations or in my mind... Unrealistic claims is VERY VERY VERY LOW!.

On the flip side. Those who know me I think would say I am the first one to encourage and congratulate when people make great achievements. (except that TALONKID.... That kid's GPS is clearly broken.. no way a promax is gonna run like that! ;) LOL jk.)

I always have to hold my nuts out front before sitting so I can understand

Author:  beavertonae-21 [ October 24th, 2012, 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

Great thread guys, talk about "informed people with nothing better to do" an hour to read this , then 10 minutes to get back on the chair I fell off of laughing. You guys are classic! can you string this out a few more months? i need the off season entertainment.should be a thread entitled Darwins theory of hull evolution" here, as most of our boats came or were inspired from a few desingn in the 70's/80/s. I would like to park my AE beside an HST/ Stoker SST/ Baker tunnel, and take notes for sure. would be very interesting to post hulls make/year/ model, with measurements and picks.

Author:  BoomerMuskoka [ October 24th, 2012, 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

OneCycle wrote:
BoomerMuskoka wrote:
believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see...

oh and your sidewinder with a 25" mid doesn't go 72 or what ever you claimed.


Author:  Supermitchie [ October 24th, 2012, 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

BoomerMuskoka wrote:
OneCycle wrote:
BoomerMuskoka wrote:
believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see...

oh and your sidewinder with a 25" mid doesn't go 72 or what ever you claimed.


Lets be honest ... That was the max speed from after the trailer fell off the truck! :lol:

Author:  OneCycle [ October 24th, 2012, 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

BoomerMuskoka wrote:
OneCycle wrote:
BoomerMuskoka wrote:
believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see...

oh and your sidewinder with a 25" mid doesn't go 72 or what ever you claimed.


did you set that speed on M.R.S' secret 5 gallon bay ?... if not... its not legit.... for F sakes read the HPBC RULES !

Author:  dubber [ October 24th, 2012, 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

BoomerMuskoka wrote:
OneCycle wrote:
BoomerMuskoka wrote:
believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see...

oh and your sidewinder with a 25" mid doesn't go 72 or what ever you claimed.


Boomer why is that you are standing on the deck of your boat for EVERYTHING now including GPS shots? LOL I could not help myself :P

Author:  talonkid [ October 24th, 2012, 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

mitchie wrote:
(except that TALONKID.... That kid's GPS is clearly broken.. no way a promax is gonna run like that! ;) LOL jk.)

LMAO I was wondering when I was going to get dragged into this debate. BTW that white ray of sunshine barreling down on you and geiger in the strait of happiness wasn't P@ lol jk jk

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