
"A" boat
Page 19 of 28

Author:  p man [ October 24th, 2012, 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

LOL that was not aimed at you Jeff. ( I am not shy)
That said, I've never seen your GPS ;)

I have heard of 114mph V-Kings. That, I have A LOT of trouble with.
Motorheadbishop in Florida had fooled around with a V-king as much as anyone I've ever seen.
He's modified the hull taken weight out of the boat, thrown crazy HP at it set up and all the rest. I know he keeps VERY fast company which let's face it, is a huge factor in this type of stuff.
He has run a legit 110mph. Having played with Streams now for 5 years I think that is amazing and a HUGE acomplishment.
These boats have limitations and when you start hitting that wall you can throw 40% mor HP at it and will net VERY small MPH
Once a boat is setup, HP and Props are the deciding factor. And at these speeds a prop will not give you 10mph. There is no Magic in boats. Simply good set up, HP and a driver.

Author:  Jeff Yammer [ October 24th, 2012, 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

OneCycle wrote:
and no my challenger has only gone 83. but im sure if you had a go at it it would be in the 90's

Only if it was full of one armed strippers

Author:  Jeff Yammer [ October 24th, 2012, 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

p man wrote:
LOL that was not aimed at you Jeff. ( I am not shy)
That said, I've never seen your GPS ;)

I have heard of 114mph V-Kings. That, I have A LOT of trouble with.
Motorheadbishop in Florida had fooled around with a V-king as much as anyone I've ever seen.
He's modified the hull taken weight out of the boat, thrown crazy HP at it set up and all the rest. I know he keeps VERY fast company which let's face it, is a huge factor in this type of stuff.
He has run a legit 110mph. Having played with Streams now for 5 years I think that is amazing and a HUGE acomplishment.
These boats have limitations and when you start hitting that wall you can throw 40% mor HP at it and will net VERY small MPH
Once a boat is setup, HP and Props are the deciding factor. And at these speeds a prop will not give you 10mph. There is no Magic in boats. Simply good set up, HP and a driver.

No no wasn't implying that at all. Just that with the work I've done on my car I haven't spent much time on boards over the last year. So you never know what new stories are out there. Doubt is good , keeps people learning

Author:  OneCycle [ October 24th, 2012, 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

DoktorC wrote:
OneCycle wrote:
BoomerMuskoka wrote:
believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see...

oh and your sidewinder with a 25" mid doesn't go 72 or what ever you claimed.

HAHAHAHAHA....did you miss your nap today????

No not yet.... might be time though....

Author:  Supermitchie [ October 24th, 2012, 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

114mph vking???? To quote Mr. Kryskow... "Maybe if it was dropped from the red bull space capsule."
I could not possibly agree more Pat. Personally I would rather jump from space than run over 110 in a v-king... I still remember seeing the white thing in my peripheral when geiger and I were running down 5 gallon bay.... I was giggling like a school girl.

Author:  p man [ October 24th, 2012, 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

mitchie wrote:
5 gallon bay...

I love all the names this place is generating.
"where dreams become reality"

Author:  DoktorC [ October 24th, 2012, 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

p man wrote:
mitchie wrote:
5 gallon bay...

I love all the names this place is generating.
"where dreams become reality"

Soon you won't be able to post a speed on the interweb without proving it on 5 gallon bay....I can record the weather station data and build in a correction factor so we're all running on an equal footing...:)

Author:  OneCycle [ October 24th, 2012, 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

the HPBC G2G every year is now the proving grounds for speed claims...

5 gallon bay- where bullshitters become lie'rs.

Author:  Supermitchie [ October 24th, 2012, 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

5 gallon was the dok's..... I was thinking "LAKE Y".

If people want me to respect the reported numbers... I need witnesses .. GPS pictures.... And video proof of the run to proove no hooking was present during the run.
If these are not fully met... You can say what you want about your "claimed" speeds... But I WILL call shennanigans..!


Author:  Supermitchie [ October 24th, 2012, 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A" boat

And Pat... I think you are shy... Thats part of what makes you so cute.! ;)

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